Wind Vane

All is fine now!

After a long day of work we finally finished mounting the wind vane (sensor) for the wind meter.
After preparing lots of things for climbing up the mast to mount the sensor and letting the cable through the mast all the way down to the cabin we eventually changed plans and asked for the mast to be taken out with the help of the crane in our marina.

Luckily enough as it turned out at shortly before midnight when we finally managed to fix everything including passing the long cables through the center of the mast.

It was very difficult to pass the cables through the core of the mast and after having tried for several hours we had almost given up hope to succeed. But eventually we had some good idea of how to pass the cables through and everything went well.

Apart from the wind sensor we also installed a new anchor light which we think will be important in english waters on the way to Scotland.

The piece of stainless steel that is visible in the pictures we got from the local smith who was friendly enough to cut us a piece in the right length.

Most helpful was our local owner of the warft in the marina, too, who managed to drill all the holes into the stainless steel as required.

Thank you very much again!



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