Trial Trip to Falmouth

Before setting out into bigger adventures we thought it best to try the Witch on a little sail first. With roughly 40NM each way we set course to Falmouth on the 22nd and had an overall pleasant beat / reach all the way. Had we got up earlier and we’d have made it in daylight, but it was 2pm when we left the Tamar in Plymouth.

The new solar panels did just fine topping up the battery allowing us to use Sinbad (the auto pilot) more.

Finally arrived, found a mooring in Falmouth Haven at around midnight and went to sleep.

The next day was spent picking up a Dan Buoy which we’d bought off ebay, visiting the town and later sailing to the Helford river, which allowed me to play and practise with the spinnaker while sailing downwind.

The return trip was the following day on the 24th with fog and sadly little wind, which forced us to use the unpleasant engine for most of the way in order to make any progress.

Arrived late as usual 😅 and anchored off Cawsand Bay for the night with a flat calm mirroring sea.

Some pictures below to depict the adventure.

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