Happy Miles Day!

Today is the Witch’s happy miles day! After sailing the last few days in the South West of England up to Cornwall, we logged just over 1000 nautical miles today (according to the ship’s logbook which is always thoroughly filled in, and of course since we started sailing her)!  For the less nautical readers this corresponds to over 1852 km of travelled distance.


This past weekend the Witch received another dear visitor. This time Norbert came to stay, we sailed all the way to Fowey (a nice traditional Cornish village), moored on a pair of buoys and came back the next day for a delicious proper English meal in a very nice pub (thank you Norbert!).

The Witch is now settled in Plymouth’s Barbican and will stay here for a while. After two months of travelling and living on board it is time for her to rest a bit and for her crew to do some other work tasks which are long due. So there won’t be as many passages in the next weeks as there have been so far, but we will keep reporting on progress and make sure navigation resumes shortly.

In the meantime, if you fancy a visit to Plymouth and a sail along the beautiful South-West coast, drop the Witch a line or call on VHF channel 16 and we might be able to arrange it. Beautiful Green Hills, Sea Cliffs, Anchoring Bays and Coves,  Thatched Roof Houses, Cream Teas, Real Ales, Cornish Pasties, Yummy Pies, Sponge Cakes and all sorts of nice things, come and try for yourself!

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