From Newhaven to Brighton

Not much to write about our trip of today. We sailed the few miles from Newhaven to Brighton and enjoyed some strong winds of force 6 to 7 and eventually in gusts of force 8.

While approaching the marina through the harbour entrance channel we had to turn back (bit tricky in a 10 meter wide channel that is picked with shoals) because of insufficient depth.

Only after killing almost two hours outside the harbour in deeper waters with winds of 6 and 7 we could finally manage to come into the marina with 20cm under our keel… Docking then was fortunately easy, the wind did most of the work…

It’s going to be a bumpy night, though. Six (!) fenders are fighting against the pressure of the whistling wind against the pier here in the marina. One of these balloons has already lost the battle and needs to be refilled with air in the next days…

Stay tuned!


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