Come and sail the White Witch

Box office now open: Come and Sail the White Witch, practise or learn and have a holiday you won’t forget!

The Witch is now accepting bookings for sailing holidays at an unbeatable price (which is to say, for FREE!!! apart from travelling and eating/mooring costs).

There is enough space so bring your family / kids / friends.

These offers are obviously for friends and family so if you read this through facebook you are probably qualified :))))

No experience needed; whether you want to get your hands dirty pulling sheets and halyards, or just want to relax and have a wine, you’re welcome.

*** Last Minute Offer:*** Saturday the 4th of May – Sunday the 5th of May

Have a weekend break; come to Urk (Netherlands, north of Amsterdam) and sail away on a day trip, or for 2 days with an overnight in Enkhuizen and back.

*** Ongoing offer subject to booking and availability ***

– Throughout May and June 2013 –

For the more adventurous, come and experience some offshore sailing along the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and the South and West coast of the UK.

Fly to the nearest airport, jump on a train to the harbour nearest to the Witch and come onboard. We’ll drop you off in a different harbour after as many days as it takes you to get sea sick or until you have to go back to work/home, whichever comes first.

Requirements: Warm clothes, sleeping bag and a good mood!

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