
Witch’s log, 5th to 9th of June 2018

We left L’Aber Ilduit as planned at 10:30am and sailed along the Chanel du Four with a pleasant breeze all the way, later close hauling to Camaret-sur-Mer. Arrived at 14:42 and moored along the visitors breakwater pontoon.

The village is a pleasant stop for anyone crossing and has everything one needs, a facilities with showers, super market, chandlery, and plenty of restaurants and bars. We walked about and eventually found a nice cosy restaurant where we had dinner and wine.

At this point Norbert had booked his ticket and was due in Brest the next day, so the following day (the 5th) was spent sailing up river to Brest where we welcomed our 4th crew member with dinner on board.

Sadly the weather forecast didn’t look too good for the next two days (meaning hardly any wind) and Matthew needed to return to Scotland at the weekend so we had to make other plans; instead of sailing out to Biscay which with no wind would take us forever, we decided to slowly sail West and South, first to Camaret once again for another night on the 7th and from Camaret to a lovely little village called Audierne on the 8th.

Arrived at 16:30 after a tricky pilotage up the narrow channel and moored in a visitors berth that was made available to us by the harbour master.

The rest of the day was spent treating ourselves to delicious and various sorts of ham, sausages and cheeeeese together with plenty of drinks to celebrate.

Today is the 9th and we had to say goodbye to Mathew who left to the Airport at 6:45am to catch a flight to London. Thank you very much for this incredible week of sailing Mathew and for bringing us safely across the channel.

And the next chapter of the adventure begins; we’ve just left Audierne with the tide and are now steering SW towards La Coruña! 😱 This means 3 days without seeing land and without Internet so I need to hurry up finishing this post. Wish us luck and hope we make it, see you on the other side, Witch out!

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