Preparations – 2015

Woo, relaunch

So after an awful long time and a quiet winter it’s time for some news; the Witch is very much alive and well as you’d expect 🙂

At last the time came to get her out of the water and prepare her for the upcoming summer, so this week was all about that; lifting her out of the water, doing all the bits and bobs that needed doing, launching her again and eventually doing just a tiny bit of sailing.

Pictures speak for themselves but in summary:

A few sea creepy crawly creatures (or  not that crawly but still creepy)  insisted in making themselves candidates for soup by growing at the bottom of the keel. The hull and keel were of course subjected to a whole new coat of anti-fouling so that their lovely siblings didn’t think of coming back anytime soon, for their own sake.

The propeller was in itself another story; it turned out that there were no old anodes (probably due to my sheer ignorance and having forgotten or not known about them) and electrolysis had been having its way… Thank you so much Terry for all the advise and warning! After a beautiful job by handyman David, the folding propeller is now as good as new, shiny and greased as it should be.

A bit of polishing with the new machine (again thanks to David), and we were ready to launch for 2015.

A few more things still need to be done above deck, but all in all, it was a good productive week and the Witch is ready for 2015. Let the season begin …

Creepy Crawlies
Creepy Crawlies
Coming out and having a scrub
Coming out and having a scrub
The old propeller
The old propeller
The new propeller and handyman David
The new propeller and handyman David
David with the new electric polisher
David with the new electric polisher
All shiny, anti-fouled and ready to go
All shiny, anti-fouled and ready to go



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