Visiting Calais

On our trip so far we’ve had mostly decent food for lunches and also for dinners. Since we have a fully functional kitchen with cooker and oven we can be as creative in cooking as we are at home.

The chips (sorry: Pommes Frites), though, we had here in Calais in a little friterie near a nice little parque are the best ones I’ve ever had in my entire life. Also judging the food in all these overpriced trendy currywurst and chips restaurants with homemade tralala.

And the size of our “S”-portions was that big that we could not finish them although we hadn’t have any lunch before on that day.

So if you ever visit Calais dont forget to have a stay in the little friterie at the memorial parc of the Calaisiens fallen in the 2nd World War. You won’t regret it and it is by far the most visit-worthy place in town!

Some more pictures of Calais here:

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