Just to Thank Someone…


With many of our works we had to finish on the White Witch we had wonderful support of a good friend of us: Harry König, artist and metal architect.

Whether it was/is about anything metal, planning and cutting the new brass panels, constructing some mast steps for the works at the top of the mast or any other things: Harry is one of the most reliable, kind  and selfless people I’ve ever met in my entire life so far. His unpretentious easy and most pragmatic way of doing things is most delightful. Harry is available whenever we need him.

For that reason we want to express our deepest gratitude.
Thank you very much Harry König! Harrys Website: http://metallprojekte.de.

By the way: Don’t miss his wife’s work, who is a wonderful photographic artist: http://barbara-heider-koenig.de.

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